Friend of the Meadows Constitution
1. Name
The name of the group shall be ‘Friends of the Meadows’, hereinafter called ‘the Friends’.
2. Aims
Through the involvement of local people, to support the management of The Meadows as an important area of local nature conservation with emphasis on wildlife and recreation value.
3. Objectives
- To stimulate involvement and interest in The Meadows by imparting information to groups or individuals.
- To assist in the monitoring of The Meadows by carrying out frequent observations.
- To contribute to the Council’s Management Plan, and to the achievement of agreed objectives through the implementation of practical projects under the guidance of the Ranger.
- To seek funding to realise these objectives.
Membership shall be open to anyone who fully supports the aims of the Friends and pays a membership subscription.
5. Subscriptions
The subscription shall be set by the Friends’ committee.
6. Committee
- The Friends shall be organised by a committee of at least five but not more than twelve elected members.
- The Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary and other members of the committee shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting. Nominations may be received by the Secretary in advance or from the floor of the Annual General Meeting.
- The committee may co-opt up to three additional members in any year, and shall have power to fill casual vacancies as they arise.
- The quorum of the committee shall be five.
- The Annual General Meeting shall have the powers to approve inspected accounts, to elect officers and committee members; to receive reports from officers; to affiliate the Friends to other organisations; and to conduct any other business.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held within two months of the Friends’ financial year end, with a minimum of twenty one days notice given to members. The quorum of the Annual General Meeting shall be 15 Friends.
The Treasurer shall annually prepare a balance sheet and statement of the Friends’ financial affairs, which shall be inspected by an independent person and presented to the Annual General Meeting. The financial year end shall be 30 September.
9. Extraordinary General Meeting
- An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the committee as necessary or at the written request of at least ten members, with a minimum of twenty one days notice given to members.
- The quorum of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be 15 Friends.
The constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority of members attending an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
11. Dissolution
The Friends may be dissolved by an Extraordinary General Meeting. Any assets held on dissolution shall be transferred to an organisation(s) with similar aims and objectives.